Are pedicures safe?

Spilled red nail polish

When it comes to the safety of pedicures, it's essential to consider your overall health, especially if you have a systemic disease affecting your feet. Dr. Bridger offers foot care for individuals with various systemic conditions such as neuropathy, poor circulation, diabetes, vascular disease, heart disease, kidney disease, and more. These conditions can elevate the risk of injury and infection in your feet, making professional foot care crucial.

Who Should Seek Dr. Bridger's Foot Care?

If you have a systemic disease affecting your feet, make an appointment with Dr. Bridger to see if routine foot care services are warranted. During your visit, he will assess the condition of your feet, trim your nails, and address calluses to ensure they do not pose a risk to your foot health.

Ingrown Nails and Structural Foot Problems:

Seeking medical treatment is imperative for individuals dealing with ingrown nails or structural foot problems. Ingrown nails, akin to a splinter, can lead to infections if not properly treated. Structural foot issues, such as bunions, require specialized care, including padding, orthotics, and, when necessary, surgical intervention. While pedicures may provide temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of issues like callus formation.

The Limitations of Pedicures:

It's essential to understand that pedicures are not a substitute for medical examinations and treatments by a qualified doctor. Even in healthy individuals, incorrectly performed pedicures can lead to problems. Instead of solely focusing on cosmetic aspects, Dr. Bridger's approach encompasses not only callus management but also addressing the structural deformities contributing to their development.

Key Takeaways:

Medical Exam Supersedes Pedicures: Pedicures should not replace a comprehensive medical examination and treatment plan by a qualified healthcare professional.

Potential Risks of Incorrect Pedicures: If not performed correctly, pedicures can pose problems even for individuals in good health. It's essential to prioritize foot care that addresses both cosmetic and medical aspects.


Understanding the safety of pedicures goes beyond aesthetic concerns. Dr. Bridger's expertise in foot care is especially valuable for individuals with systemic diseases, ensuring that foot health is prioritized and potential complications are addressed promptly. Remember, it's not just about pampering your feet; it's about maintaining their health and well-being with the guidance of a skilled medical professional.


Corns and Calluses